
目前顯示的是 2月 14, 2010的文章


Facebook上被小學同學tag 相, 一看即時反應 "嘩! ",是整容前嗎?   小學時又壯又像男孩子,看看大家可不可以認出我?  2008 年的聖誕節Fika  昨天自己剪和染了頭髮,第二次剪頭髮熟手了很多,也有層次感,很喜歡新髮型。六月,再來一次變身:) -->

Jan Saudek (Czech art photographer)

Life is a journey – a journey to the end of night …In the beginning are dreams. The convictions that the world begin with us that everything is only here because of us. To exercise my memory, I‘ll recite one of the few poems I know by heart: From a fiery sunlit rose, a petal fell on me, where did I dream that? Beneath a thuja?  Beneath a cypress tree? Or did I pause between the cernetry gates? Madness has descended upon me? Be quiet! Let’s no one see, let no one hear! I see what other’s don’t see; I hear what others don’t hear; How things rush forth and seethe within. Let me measure my life, only in inches. To half is betrayal ! Do not choose, O soul ,do not choose to be late.   - only your memories will remain - ,1972   --> - The window - So many times I stood before this window! Birds flew across the sky beyond it, endlessly and God knows where; A cloud, strongly reminiscent of whipped cream, drifted there; The moon was f

Cooking Day。

星期日正式成為我的cooking Day,一下午之內煮好幾個餸,再分開幾個飯盒放入冰格,那麼下了課後就不用拖著疲憊的身軀去準備午飯/晚飯。  好好天!心情靚靚去買餸。   栗米魚塊(但不知道是什麼魚:p )瑞典的活魚對我來說很貴,動輒180 kr /kg,好想念香港的蒸魚,對於喜歡吃海鮮的我來說,這是最大的折磨,這裡的魚全都是處理好的魚塊,沒頭又沒尾巴!!  煮好了三個餸就分入各個食物盒,上學前帶一個出門就可以了。 又平又好味的雪糕,10 kr (11蚊港幣)